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Welcome to the video course on Pediatrics.

This self-study video course will help you hone your clinical and disease management skills for patients with common and chronic Pediatric problems and expand your competence and confidence in diagnosing and treating  conditions such as Colic, Temper Tantrums, Idiopathic Scoliosis, Scheuermann Disease, Turner Syndrome, Eisenmenger Syndrome, Tricuspid Atresia, Tibial Torsion, Craniosynostosis, Hydrocephalus, Renal Anomalies and Marfan Syndrome.

This video course will also walk you through some important Concepts, Tests and Procedures relating to Pediatrics.

Topics include:   Childhood Vaccination, Bone Disorders in Children, Child Maltreatment, Congenital Neurologic Anomalies, Cystic Fibrosis, Inherited Disorders of Metabolism, etc.

Disclaimer : The content in this course is educational in nature and intended solely as general health information. It is not a recommendation for treatment or medical advice. It is not a substitute for advice from a health care provider. If you  as a patient are experiencing a medical emergency, contact your health care provider or an emergency room. 

Course Curriculum

1. Introduction to Pediatrics
Introduction to Pediatrics 01:30:00
2. Symptoms in Infants and Children
Constipation in Children 01:30:00
Cough in Children 01:30:00
Diarrhea in Children 01:30:00
Fever in Infants and Children 01:30:00
Nausea and Vomiting in Infants and Children 01:30:00
Rash in Infants and Young Children 01:30:00
Separation Anxiety and Stranger Anxiety 01:30:00
3. Health Supervision of the Well Child
Health Supervision of the Well Child 01:30:00
Screening Tests for Infants and Children 01:30:00
Toilet Training 01:30:00
4. Childhood Vaccination
Effectiveness and Safety of Childhood Vaccination 01:30:00
Anti-Vaccination Movement 01:30:00
Childhood Vaccination Schedule 01:30:00
5. Behavioral Concerns and Problems in Children
Overview of Behavioral Problems in Children 01:30:00
Breath-Holding Spells 01:30:00
Eating Problems in Children 01:30:00
School Avoidance 01:30:00
Sleep Problems in Children 01:30:00
Temper Tantrums 01:30:00
Violence in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
6. Bone Disorders in Children
Congenital Hypophosphatasia 01:30:00
Idiopathic Scoliosis 01:30:00
Overview of Osteochondroses 01:30:00
Köhler Bone Disease 01:30:00
Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease 01:30:00
Osgood-Schlatter Disease 01:30:00
Scheuermann Disease 01:30:00
Overview of Osteopetroses 01:30:00
Osteosclerosis 01:30:00
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) 01:30:00
7. Care of Newborns and Infants
Evaluation and Care of the Normal Neonate 01:30:00
Nutrition in Infants 01:30:00
Breastfeeding 01:30:00
Formula Feeding 01:30:00
Solid Foods in Infancy 01:30:00
8. Caring for Sick Children and Their Families
Caring for Sick Neonates 01:30:00
Children with Chronic Health Conditions 01:30:00
Death and Dying in Children 01:30:00
9. Child Maltreatment
Overview of Child Maltreatment 01:30:00
Female Genital Mutilation 01:30:00
10. Chromosome and Gene Anomalies
Overview of Chromosomal Anomalies 01:30:00
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) 01:30:00
Trisomy 18 and 13 01:30:00
Chromosomal Deletion Syndromes 01:30:00
Microdeletion Gene Syndromes 01:30:00
Overview of Sex Chromosome Anomalies 01:30:00
Turner Syndrome 01:30:00
Klinefelter Syndrome 01:30:00
47 XYY Syndrome 01:30:00
Other X Chromosome Anomalies 01:30:00
Fragile X Syndrome 01:30:00
11. Congenital Cardiovascular Anomalies
Overview of Congenital Cardiovascular Anomalies 01:30:00
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) 01:30:00
Atrioventricular Septal Defect 01:30:00
Coarctation of the Aorta 01:30:00
Eisenmenger Syndrome 01:30:00
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 01:30:00
Other Congenital Cardiac Anomalies 01:30:00
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) 01:30:00
Persistent Truncus Arteriosus 01:30:00
Tetralogy of Fallot 01:30:00
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR) 01:30:00
Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) 01:30:00
Tricuspid Atresia 01:30:00
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) 01:30:00
12. Congenital Craniofacial and Musculoskeletal Abnormalities
Introduction to Congenital Craniofacial and Musculoskeletal Abnormalities 01:30:00
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita 01:30:00
Congenital Knee Dislocation 01:30:00
Congenital Limb Abnormalities 01:30:00
Congenital Muscle Abnormalities 01:30:00
Congenital Neck and Back Abnormalities 01:30:00
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) 01:30:00
Femoral Torsion (Twisting) 01:30:00
Genu Varum (Bowlegs) and Genu Valgum (Knock-Knees) 01:30:00
Talipes Equinovarus (Clubfoot) and Other Foot Abnormalities 01:30:00
Tibial Torsion 01:30:00
Overview of Congenital Craniofacial Abnormalities 01:30:00
Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate 01:30:00
Congenital Ear Abnormalities 01:30:00
Congenital Eye Abnormalities 01:30:00
Congenital Jaw Abnormalities 01:30:00
Craniosynostosis 01:30:00
Macrocephaly 01:30:00
Microcephaly 01:30:00
13. Congenital Gastrointestinal Anomalies
Overview of Congenital GI Anomalies 01:30:00
Anal Atresia 01:30:00
Biliary Atresia 01:30:00
Diaphragmatic Hernia 01:30:00
Duodenal Obstruction 01:30:00
Esophageal Atresia 01:30:00
Gastroschisis 01:30:00
Hirschsprung Disease 01:30:00
Intestinal Duplication 01:30:00
Jejunoileal Atresia 01:30:00
Malrotation of the Bowel 01:30:00
Omphalocele 01:30:00
14. Congenital Neurologic Anomalies
Overview of Congenital Neurologic Anomalies 01:30:00
Hydrocephalus 01:30:00
Anencephaly 01:30:00
Encephalocele 01:30:00
Malformed Cerebral Hemispheres 01:30:00
Porencephaly 01:30:00
Septo-Optic Dysplasia 01:30:00
Spina Bifida 01:30:00
15. Congenital Renal and Genitourinary Anomalies
Overview of Congenital Genitourinary Anomalies 01:30:00
Bladder Anomalies 01:30:00
Cryptorchidism 01:30:00
Penile and Urethral Anomalies 01:30:00
Prune-Belly Syndrome 01:30:00
Renal Anomalies 01:30:00
Testicular and Scrotal Anomalies 01:30:00
Ureteral Anomalies 01:30:00
Vaginal Anomalies 01:30:00
Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) 01:30:00
16. Congenital Renal Transport Abnormalities
Bartter Syndrome and Gitelman Syndrome 01:30:00
Cystinuria 01:30:00
Hartnup Disease 01:30:00
Hypophosphatemic Rickets 01:30:00
17. Connective Tissue Disorders in Children
Introduction to Connective Tissue Disorders in Children 01:30:00
Chondromalacia Patellae 01:30:00
Cutis Laxa 01:30:00
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 01:30:00
Marfan Syndrome 01:30:00
Nail-Patella Syndrome 01:30:00
Osteochondrodysplasias (Osteochondrodysplastic Dwarfism) 01:30:00
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 01:30:00
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum 01:30:00
Infrapatellar Tendinitis 01:30:00
18. Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Cystic Fibrosis in Children 01:30:00
19. Dehydration and Fluid Therapy in Children
Dehydration in Children 01:30:00
Oral Rehydration 01:30:00
20. Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders in Children
Introduction to Some Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders in Children 01:30:00
Hearing Impairment in Children 01:30:00
Juvenile Angiofibromas 01:30:00
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis 01:30:00
Communication Disorders in Children 01:30:00
21. Endocrine Disorders in Children
Congenital Goiter 01:30:00
Delayed Puberty 01:30:00
Diabetes in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Growth Hormone Deficiency in Children 01:30:00
Hyperthyroidism in Infants and Children 01:30:00
Hypothyroidism in Infants and Children 01:30:00
Male Hypogonadism in Children 01:30:00
Precocious Puberty 01:30:00
Overview of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 01:30:00
22. Eye Defects and Conditions in Children
Amblyopia 01:30:00
Congenital Cataract 01:30:00
Primary Infantile Glaucoma 01:30:00
Retinopathy of Prematurity 01:30:00
Strabismus 01:30:00
23. Gastrointestinal Disorders in Neonates and Infants
Overview of GI Disorders in Neonates and Infants 01:30:00
Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants 01:30:00
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 01:30:00
Intussusception 01:30:00
Meconium Ileus 01:30:00
Meconium Plug Syndrome 01:30:00
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 01:30:00
Neonatal Cholestasis 01:30:00
Miscellaneous Surgical Emergencies in Neonates 01:30:00
24. Growth and Development
Introduction to Growth and Development 01:30:00
Physical Growth of Infants and Children 01:30:00
Childhood Development 01:30:00
Physical Growth and Sexual Maturation of Adolescents 01:30:00
Adolescent Development 01:30:00
25. Hereditary Periodic Fever Syndromes
Overview of Hereditary Periodic Fever Syndromes 01:30:00
Familial Mediterranean Fever 01:30:00
Hereditary Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndromes (Cryopyrinopathies) 01:30:00
Hyper-IgD Syndrome 01:30:00
PAPA Syndrome 01:30:00
PFAPA Syndrome 01:30:00
TNF Receptor–Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS) 01:30:00
26. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in Infants and Children
HIV Infection in Infants and Children 01:30:00
Antiretroviral Drug Therapy in Children 01:30:00
27. Incontinence in Children
Urinary Incontinence In Children 01:30:00
Stool Incontinence in Children 01:30:00
28. Infections in Neonates
Overview of Neonatal Infections 01:30:00
Antibiotics in Neonates 01:30:00
Congenital and Perinatal Cytomegalovirus Infection (CMV) 01:30:00
Congenital Rubella 01:30:00
Congenital Syphilis 01:30:00
Congenital Toxoplasmosis 01:30:00
Neonatal Conjunctivitis 01:30:00
Neonatal Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection 01:30:00
Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Infection 01:30:00
Neonatal Hospital-Acquired Infection 01:30:00
Neonatal Listeriosis 01:30:00
Neonatal Bacterial Meningitis 01:30:00
Neonatal Pneumonia 01:30:00
Neonatal Sepsis 01:30:00
Perinatal Tuberculosis (TB) 01:30:00
29. Inherited Disorders of Metabolism
Introduction to Inherited Disorders of Metabolism 01:30:00
Approach to the Patient With a Suspected Inherited Disorder of Metabolism 01:30:00
Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation Disorders 01:30:00
Peroxisomal Disorders 01:30:00
Overview of Amino Acid and Organic Acid Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Branched-Chain Amino Acid Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Methionine Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Phenylketonuria (PKU) 01:30:00
Tyrosine Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Urea Cycle Disorders 01:30:00
Overview of Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Fructose Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Galactosemia 01:30:00
Glycogen Storage Diseases 01:30:00
Pyruvate Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Other Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Overview of Fatty Acid and Glycerol Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Beta-Oxidation Cycle Disorders 01:30:00
Glycerol Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Overview of Lysosomal Storage Disorders 01:30:00
Cholesteryl Ester Storage Disease and Wolman Disease 01:30:00
Fabry Disease 01:30:00
Gaucher Disease 01:30:00
Krabbe Disease 01:30:00
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy 01:30:00
Niemann-Pick Disease 01:30:00
Tay-Sachs Disease and Sandhoff Disease 01:30:00
Overview of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Purine Catabolism Disorders 01:30:00
Purine Nucleotide Synthesis Disorders 01:30:00
Purine Salvage Disorders 01:30:00
Pyrimidine Metabolism Disorders 01:30:00
30. Inherited Muscular Disorders
Introduction to Inherited Muscular Disorders 01:30:00
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Becker Muscular Dystrophy 01:30:00
Other Forms of Muscular Dystrophy 01:30:00
Congenital Myopathies 01:30:00
Familial Periodic Paralysis 01:30:00
31. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 01:30:00
32. Learning and Developmental Disorders
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD & ADHD) 01:30:00
Autism Spectrum Disorders 01:30:00
Intellectual Disability 01:30:00
Overview of Learning Disorders 01:30:00
Dyslexia 01:30:00
Rett Syndrome 01:30:00
33. Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Overview of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Overview of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Agoraphobia in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Panic Disorder in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Separation Anxiety Disorder 01:30:00
Social Anxiety Disorder in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders (ASD and PTSD) in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Conduct Disorder 01:30:00
Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Related Disorders in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) 01:30:00
Schizophrenia in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders in Children 01:30:00
Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
34. Metabolic, Electrolyte, and Toxic Disorders in Neonates
Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia 01:30:00
Kernicterus 01:30:00
Neonatal Hypercalcemia 01:30:00
Neonatal Hypocalcemia 01:30:00
Neonatal Hyperglycemia 01:30:00
Neonatal Hypoglycemia 01:30:00
Neonatal Hypernatremia 01:30:00
Neonatal Hyponatremia 01:30:00
Prenatal Drug Exposure 01:30:00
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 01:30:00
35. Miscellaneous Bacterial Infections in Infants and Children
Bacterial Meningitis in Infants Over 3 Months of Age 01:30:00
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Children 01:30:00
Rheumatic Fever 01:30:00
36. Miscellaneous Disorders in Infants and Children
ALTE and BRUE 01:30:00
Failure to Thrive (FTT) 01:30:00
Kawasaki Disease (KD) 01:30:00
Progeria 01:30:00
Reye Syndrome 01:30:00
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 01:30:00
Teething 01:30:00
37. Miscellaneous Viral Infections in Infants and Children
Erythema Infectiosum 01:30:00
Measles 01:30:00
Mumps 01:30:00
Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis 01:30:00
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Human Metapneumovirus Infections 01:30:00
Roseola Infantum 01:30:00
Rubella 01:30:00
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) 01:30:00
38. Neurocutaneous Syndromes
Neurofibromatosis 01:30:00
Sturge-Weber Syndrome 01:30:00
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) 01:30:00
Von Hippel–Lindau Disease (VHL) 01:30:00
39. Neurologic Disorders in Children
Cerebral Palsy (CP) Syndromes 01:30:00
Febrile Seizures 01:30:00
Infantile Spasms 01:30:00
Neonatal Seizure Disorders 01:30:00
Tic Disorders and Tourette Syndrome in Children and Adolescents 01:30:00
40. Pediatric Cancers
Overview of Pediatric Cancer 01:30:00
Overview of Brain Tumors in Children 01:30:00
Astrocytomas 01:30:00
Medulloblastoma 01:30:00
Ependymomas 01:30:00
Neuroblastoma 01:30:00
Retinoblastoma 01:30:00
Rhabdomyosarcoma 01:30:00
Wilms Tumor 01:30:00
41. Perinatal Hematologic Disorders
Perinatal Anemia 01:30:00
Perinatal Polycythemia and Hyperviscosity Syndrome 01:30:00
42. Perinatal Physiology
Perinatal Physiology 01:30:00
43. Perinatal Problems
Gestational Age 01:30:00
Growth Parameters in Neonates 01:30:00
Neonatal Resuscitation 01:30:00
Birth Injuries 01:30:00
Hypothermia in Neonates 01:30:00
Large-for-Gestational-Age (LGA) Infant 01:30:00
Postmature (Postterm) Infant 01:30:00
Premature Infants 01:30:00
Small-for-Gestational-Age (SGA) Infant 01:30:00
44. Principles of Drug Treatment in Children
Overview of Drug Treatment in Children 01:30:00
Pharmacokinetics in Children 01:30:00
Nonadherence in Children 01:30:00
45. Problems in Adolescents
Introduction to Problems in Adolescents 01:30:00
Behavior Problems in Adolescents 01:30:00
Contraception and Adolescent Pregnancy 01:30:00
Drug and Substance Use in Adolescents 01:30:00
Obesity in Adolescents 01:30:00
Overview of Psychosocial Problems in Adolescents 01:30:00
Physical Problems in Adolescents 01:30:00
School Problems in Adolescents 01:30:00
46. Respiratory Disorders in Young Children
Bacterial Tracheitis 01:30:00
Bronchiolitis 01:30:00
Croup 01:30:00
Wheezing and Asthma in Infants and Young Children 01:30:00
47. Respiratory Problems in Neonates
Overview of Perinatal Respiratory Disorders 01:30:00
Respiratory Support in Neonates and Infants 01:30:00
Apnea of Prematurity 01:30:00
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) 01:30:00
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome 01:30:00
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn 01:30:00
Pulmonary Air-Leak Syndromes 01:30:00
Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Neonates 01:30:00
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn 01:30:00
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